Since 1932 Grace Community Church has been “The church in the heart of the community with the community in its heart.” The various groups and activities of Grace Community Church help members and friends who attend to connect with God in a way that allows God to accomplish His purpose in their lives.

Prayer Ministries

Intercessory Prayer Group

This group of dedicated Christians meets weekly to pray together for members and non-members of Grace Community Church. Names may be placed on the prayer list by contacting a member of the group or by contacting the church office. This group meets on Wednesday at 8 AM.

Centering Prayer

This group learns to practice the presence of God through scripture reading and in the depth of silence. They meet weekly in the prayer room on Monday at 8:30 AM sharp.


Music Ministry

The members of Grace Community Church are presented meditation and inspirational music by the Silver Lining Singers and our musicians who provide piano and organ music each week. On special occasions, the congregation hears its members play drums, flutes, violins, cello pieces and quite often solos on the harmonica. A Rogers pipe organ was installed and began to sing in time for Christmas 2001. The music of this instrument creates beautiful sounds for the Grace Community Church family. An addition to our instrumentation is a beautiful hand crafted Estonia Grand Piano. These two outstanding instruments work together to bring even more beautiful sounds to the Grace Community Church sanctuary.

Men’s Ministries

Unretired Renovators

This group of handy men from Grace Community Church meet weekly to take care of mostly minor and some major repairs, improvements, and maintenance to the church facility. They have formed a fellowship that begins as they gather to do their work and continues until they meet again the next week.

Youth and Children’s Ministries

Grace Community Church cares about its youth and children. The church has dedicated itself to strengthening the spiritual well being of its younger members and those of the community. Grace Community Church offers many ways for youth and children to become involved.

Youth Ministries (Junior High and High School)

Contact our office at 702-293-2018

Children’s Ministries (Nursery – Elementary School)

Nursery care available Sundays at both 8:00am & 10:00am services.

Sunday School for pre-school and elementary school children available at 10:00am service.

For information about youth and children’s ministries, contact our office at 702-293-2018

Confirmation Class

An annual Class taught by our Senior Pastor to confirm youth in faith and prepare them for membership and service in the church. Contact the office for details.

Women’s Ministries

The Women’s Association

This group has been a part of Grace Community Church almost since the beginning. It was first known as the Ladies Aid, but is now know as the Women’s Association. They meet on the second Wednesday of each month from October through April. The purpose of the Women’s Association is to cultivate spiritual lives and promote friendliness. One of their highest attended events is the May Brunch.

Grace Community Church
1150 Wyoming Street, Boulder City, Nevada 89005
Phone: 702.293.2018 E-mail: info@bcgrace.org
Photography Copyright Christian Lentz